Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I've been mopping around over these rose gold shoes and purse that I can't have because I am trying to be more disciplined. I've tried them on, walked by them, then back again. I've looked at them on the website, over and over again. I've even re read my resolution and convinced myself no where on there did I state I will not shop in 2008 but, further down I read "I will be harder on myself in the places I am weak" and because of that statement, I don't spend. My friend told me to stay away from my computer, she's right but thats impossible. So today, I was cleaning up and found three target gift cards stashed in a drawer!! SCORE!! I forgot I had these, my mom gave me one for christmas, I bought one in the summer and lost it and had to buy another gift, then found it. And I had another one my mom randomly gave me in September. I know you are all wondering......why haven't you spent them?? Because I am a retard and everytime I go to target on a whim I never have them with me. Well today ladies, its paid off! I'm getting that purse and shoes..........yay!!! I'm so happy I feel like I should give a speech!!

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