Sunday, July 27, 2008

See! See!

Today Breyne and I had a free afternoon. That rarely happens so we didn't know what to do with ourselves. This summer we aren't really running the air. Only at night time because we have very hot babies that will wake up crying dripping in sweat unless the house is 72 degrees. It was pretty hot today and we didn't want to be home. We couldn't figure out where to go. I thought it was too late in the day to drive down to the beach so I suggested we check out the Americana. Everyone seems to have been but us. Then I thought about it, its new, its in glendale and its Sunday. No thanks! However, something along the lines of the mall felt right. Odd, I know, I hate the mall! So I suggested Santa Anita because of the carousel and play area. We got there, the parking lot was packed, I was nervous and kept saying to myself.....what are you doing, you hate the mall.
So we get in the mall. The spongey play area is packed. Ruby seemed to be over whelmed by it. Ava said the big boys were too scary and I saw across the way, they were doing ear piercing at Claires. I've been very anti ear piercing since our experience with Ava. I was torn because I know that piercing is the most effective if you do it when they are baby and its less scary too because they are unaware. I've been leaning more towards doing it lately and Ava told me she wasn't ready. Yesterday out of no where, she said, I am ready to have Ruby's ears pierced. So I told Breyne, lets go get Ruby's ears done. He said, Im not going to watch her cry, I'll take Ava to the carousel. Off we split, carousel and claires. There was a girl getting hers done first. She was a pro, smiling acting like it didn't hurt at all, she was great! I'm a bit nervous, Rubys having fun, we pick out here earrings, Rubies of course and its our turn.......
It seemed like the girl was taking forever, of course it was my nerves and she was just making sure she was doing a good job. She was the assistant manager, she was very kind, professional and said Ruby's age and younger were the best times to do it. Yes, confirmation! After she sanitized everything, she marked Ruby's ears with marker and had me double check them. She was very particular and marked the left ear, three times (hence the larger purple circle you and see around her earring).
The whole time Ruby's is just kinda going with the flow. The she put the first one in, Ruby glared up at her and gave her a look!?!? The second one, she cried for a second then the girl gave her a lollipop (her first one ever) and Ruby accepted it and started dancing. Since then, Ruby has been touching them and saying "see, see". She loves them!! Thats the last thing she said tonight......"night night mama (pointed to her earring) see"
I am so glad it went so well and I am so happy to see earrings on my little baby. They look lovely and she won't have to worry about ear wholes that close up when she's older.
And as far as hating the mall, I am over that! We had so much fun! Malls are fun when you have kids, the carousel is magic!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Rest in peace Randy

Several months ago, my sister sent me "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch and like many people, it took my breath away. I found him remarkable, selfless, inspiring. Since then, I had kept up on his blog. I was curious about him as a person and was also following him because of his Cancer. My Uncle passed a few months ago from Pancreatic Cancer. It was shocking how fast it took him. While reading his blog, he was very moving, constantly staying positive and very detailed in his information.
Until yesterday, there hadn't been a new post in over a month. Last nights post was written by a friend saying he was on hospice now. That was sad to read. Today, I couldn't stop thinking of him so I went on his blog again. I wasn't expecting to find a post, I just wanted to reread his old ones.
Sadly, today I found a new blog stating he had passed on today. I am very sad. Happy for him that he is no longer in pain but sad for the world that we lost such a remarking being.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Yay for me!!!!!!

So as many of you know, I have been exercising regularly since January. Ashley and I were walking the rose bowl once a week and then I would walk with someone else or by myself two other times a week. This was fun and I felt better but I didn't see any weight coming off. So Ashley and I decided to try pole dancing. It was fun, lots of got Ashley pregnant!! After completing level 1 and I lost my partner due to pregnancy, I kept going. I am now in the middle of level three and we are preparing to go upside down on the pole, yes I am scared!
The classes are getting harder and harder and even though I go two to three times a week. I felt like I could really use the practice at home. This shit is hard!! I bought a pole. The plan was to put it in our playroom, where all the mirrors are. The pole is held up from the pressure that is applied from the floor to the ceiling, our play room ceiling was too soft and Breyne couldn't get it to tighten correctly, so we moved it into our room. Yes, we have a pole in our room!! Pretty Pamela Anderson of us, right? I felt a bit shy and kinda scandalous about it but I reminded myself that Sheila Kelly has one in her room and she's not trashy. Besides, doesn't every one get a little down and dirty in their bedroom anyway?
So today, the pole went up and I gotta a good work out. When I was done, I thought I would do a measurement check. (We threw the scale away, best advice I ever got!) Since May 11, I have over all LOST 13.25" OFF of my body!!!!! I am so HAPPY!!
On a sad note, today I also had to say good bye to my very dear friend, Ashley. She and her family are moving up north to fulfill their dreams. I am going to miss you sister!!! XOXO

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy 17 Months Ruby Lu!!

Today Ruby is 17 months. She weighs 20 pounds and is starting to out grow 6 to 12 months t-shirts. Yay Ruby!! Our little one is very talkative. She says "leth go and coooo-kie" all day and every day beginning at 5 a.m. My little one is a sugar addict. I never let Ava have sugar at this age, not even birthday cake. Yeah, Ruby had reeses pieces the other day at Wall-E. Part of me laughs and refers to her has my little ghetto baby and part of me is like....oh no, hope her teeth will be ok. I think they will. We brush them often. Like Ava, Ruby is totally male crazy. Today we went to lunch while Ava was at art camp and a man winked at her. She tried to do it back and spent the rest of our time there doing all she could to get the man to look at her again. She does this daily. Ruby has friends, Max, Nico, Maggie and recently has discovered Mannex (his older brother is Seth, Avas friend). She is a social girl who wants to be out and about all day long. Roo roo, as we call her, is loving and feisty. We don't have to worry about her much and like Breyne says we get to worry about Ava less because Ruby's got her back. She's teeny yet strong.
These photos are of Maggie and Rubys play date. Maggie came to see Ruby a few days after she was born, she brought us cooo-kies. Maggie was exactly three months old. :)
Every night Ruby likes to help me cook dinner, she mixes and stirs.......