Thursday, January 17, 2008

Music is My Hot Hot Ava!

So Ava's a rock star, she's a really cool 4 year old. She asks me to down load her music and told our babysitter "don't worry my mommy has an ipod". She loves CSS and I've tried to find a censored version but they just don't have one. Her favorite song (as she calls it) is, "Music is my boyfriend". She loves music and loves boys so that title, makes her grin every time. She likes White Stripes because of Meg, they are "both girl drummers". Her favorite song from Cornelius is Drop because of the water. She also loves Damien Rice. She often asks, mommy can we play the "I don't know song" She is seriously into music. She loves to clap her hands to Amy Winehouse or will tell her Daddy...can we play some loud punk rock. The girl is super cool!
Routinely, Ava picks up an instrument and sings a song to us. Today this is how it went....

Daisy Rock guitar in hand...

"Oops! My penis is broken! Now I look like a girl!"

She was strumming her guitar smelly cat style!

*Parenthood, its so much fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ava is such a rock star!! She's the best :)