Monday, January 14, 2008

hello cookie face

Ruby.......she is the most mellow and the most playful child. About a week ago, she decided that she is done with vile baby food. She wants to eat our food. When ever I eat, she crawls all over me until she gets some. Today we sat on Diane's kitchen floor (Diane was cooking dinner) and I fed her a clementine. I couldn't peel the orange fast enough. She was on me and grunting! Ruby is the most happy feeding herself. She grunts and kicks her feet while she eats. She looks around the room and gives out big grins. She loves being just like us. I feel her, I remember it sucked being the little one, most of the time. Here is Ruby with a cracker up her nose and on her eyelashes!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a big girl! Too cute!! :)