Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Ruby Lu

Ruby turned one on February 17th. We can't believe what a quick beautiful year it was. Ruby entered our world a year ago and now we cant remember life without her. Ruby has the most playful personality. Since birth Ruby has made her needs very clear. She also has always saved her biggest smiles and coo's for Ava. Ruby is adventurous, loving, and fun. She loves people, she will accept love from anyone! She also has a love for holding something in both hands. Often when we put her to sleep, we have to pry a little something out of her hands. Usually its some small choking hazard she never should have had in the first place. Ruby loves hanging out with her sister and her sisters friends. She can't wait to do what everyone else is doing. She crawl walks and has been doing that for months. She takes one step with her foot flat on the floor and drags the other knee forward like a crawl. She loooooves shoes and associates them with walking. For a while, she was sleeping with shoes on. If you take your shoes off around her, she will put them on for sure! She often wears Ava's and has put mommy's and daddy's on too. She loves dancing and food. Everything her sister does, she wants to do it too. This little girl is amazing. She's more than a Ruby! This little being is my heart melted all over the world. Thank you for letting me be your mommy! Happy Birthday love!!!

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