Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy 15 Months Ruby!

Ruby turned 15 months on the 17th. She really amazes us. She loves to make us laugh, especially at dinner time. She loves affection and she loves her babies! The other day, she was trying emulate me. She had Ava's bug box on her shoulder like a purse, my hat on, a baby in her arms and she kept saying "Less go". It was so sweet, she would take three steps, fall, get back up, readjust and keep going. She also likes to do exactly what Ava does, she puts her shoes on, she fights for her sippy cup, she screams if she sees her and she is talking a lot!
Ruby also loves to hang out at Avas preschool and dance around with her. She loves the Little Green Frog song.
Life is a whole lot of fun in our house. Breyne and are always blown away!!!


Deb DiSalvo said...

How cute is she?? LOVE the picture of her with the corn on the cob! What a fun age - Oh.... I miss that!

Unknown said...

Oh my god she is too much man!!! Lord. Thank you for putting these photos up so I can see Ruby! I'm gonna show Carmela.