Friday, July 25, 2008

Rest in peace Randy

Several months ago, my sister sent me "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch and like many people, it took my breath away. I found him remarkable, selfless, inspiring. Since then, I had kept up on his blog. I was curious about him as a person and was also following him because of his Cancer. My Uncle passed a few months ago from Pancreatic Cancer. It was shocking how fast it took him. While reading his blog, he was very moving, constantly staying positive and very detailed in his information.
Until yesterday, there hadn't been a new post in over a month. Last nights post was written by a friend saying he was on hospice now. That was sad to read. Today, I couldn't stop thinking of him so I went on his blog again. I wasn't expecting to find a post, I just wanted to reread his old ones.
Sadly, today I found a new blog stating he had passed on today. I am very sad. Happy for him that he is no longer in pain but sad for the world that we lost such a remarking being.

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