Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy 18 Months Ruby Lu

On the 17th, Ruby turned 18 months. We have a family tradition of the four of us having dinner and cupcakes on the girls half birthdays. We also give them a couple of little presents, its a sweet deal. This year, our party was a bit bigger. With the year being so rough for Papa and Grandma, we invited them in on it and they invited Auntie Lisa and Gigi. It was bigger and fun and Grandma did the cooking, score!
Ruby enjoyed some snacks with Papa and Gigi while we prepared dinner. Ava played on the computer and Auntie Lisa and Dada did a little of everything. It was a fun day at Grandmas house.
At her 18 month check up, Ruby is weighing 20 pounds 7 ounces. Her height and weight is in the 10 percentile. She is a lucky girl with a very fast metabolism. Her favorite things to eat are sugar and condiments. Yep thats what you read, sugar and condiments! She'll eat the healthy stuff too but she will ask for a cookie several times a day and if she catches you dippin something, be prepared to share.
Our blossoming firecracker, loves her grandma, mama, dada, sister and animals. She also adores Ava's friends Lulu (who sadly moved but Ruby says her name all the time) and Carmela. Ruby calls her Karma. :) She loves the Boo Bahs, shoes, Paint, preferably on her body, mouth and hair and babies.......!! She might hit and kick but she also hugs and kisses a whole lot! This little chicken in soooooo easy to love!!!!!
I forgot to mention purses. She loves to hold a purse blow a kiss and say bye bye baby! She's used to me running out to get Ava. Ruby can say many words and her favorite sentence is "there it is." I love it, when she likes something she will say "der it ish" so cute!! She often says side for outside, cookie, muk (milk) leths go (lets go) and "go?" for where did it go. She makes these adorable little expressions like her hands up in air and says go?go? or her hands over her mouth with her jaw dropped open, for when she drops something like.....oops! When I am holding her and she wants to walk, she says "cock, cock". Just typing this gets my blood going. Our little chicks have my heart beating heavy and hard. Lucky us.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More really deep thoughts by Ava Miller

Its dinner time, we are eating breaded chicken, broccoli with scallions and rice. Ava looks up at Breyne and I with a piece of chicken on her fork. "Why do animals have to die just so we can eat dinner? I want chickens alive and fish swimming in the ocean. I don't want to eat them anymore ( she's fighting back crying now) I only want you to make me tofu for meat." We explained to her that as long as she's young she's going to eat meat from time to time because we do but we will definitely give her more tofu when we can. She wasn't fully pleased but her mind was eased a bit and she refused to eat anymore chicken that night.
Ava Miller, Environmentalist/Philanthropist/Animal Rights Activist.............

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ava's growing up.....

I've been cleaning out my house. Donating what I can, throwing away what I should. The other day I came across this canvas I had started painting way before Ava, probably around seven years ago. I should have taken a before and after picture but didn't. Basically it had a green back ground, face and black poofy hair. I got a hold of her this weekend and pretty much repainted the whole thing, back ground, skin, hair, the only thing that remained the same was the eyes. I am going to give this to Ava for her birthday.
Im really happy with the way she came out. I tried to style her up to Ava's wild imagination. Colored hair of course and its gotta be her favorite color, purple. Lots of jewelry and little tokens that say Ava at this age, the bangs, the chicken scratch five on the t-shirt, the jewelry and teenager fashion flare. I feel its the happy medium as I have been battling those horrible Bratz dolls. I don't even like the super slutty barbie dolls. What happened to little girls being little girls? Ava and I have an agreement, she can play with baby bratz and angel bratz, they are actually kinda cute. I still say no to the hooker bratz. I mean parents do need some guidelines after all. She seems quite pleased knowing she can have that kind if she wants. Its really a win win situation because we pretty much avoid target now, and if I go, I am saying no to toys. It's so crazy, she always got a toy when we went to target and we went all the time! I am putting a stop to that bad habit, I donated so much money in those target toys.
I'm happy with my painting. She's a fashion girl which will make Ava happy but she doesn't look like she belongs on Sunset. ;)